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We all want to make this world a better place, and we've come up with an idea: Our plan is to sell the coolest t-shirts on Earth and spend 100% of the profits to (re)build education infrastructures in Nepal to help them recover from the terrible earthquake from April 2015.
Let's give a meaning to Christmas this year! It's going to be amazing.
Hello tout le monde! On veut tous rendre le monde meilleur. On a eu une idee: Creer le t-shirt le plus cool du monde et reverser 100% des benefices dans la (re)construction d'infrastructures liees a l'education au Nepal afin de les aider a recuperer des suites du tremblement de terre d'avril 2015.
Donnons un sens a Noel cette annee! Ca va etre incroyable.
More info: www.hhcpn.org